Thursday, February 25, 2010

Answers to Purim Puzzlers

Answers to Riddles
1. Dalphon (Esther 9:7) – “Dial a Phone”
2. The Megillah says Haman Hara (Esther 7:6). Literally this means “The evil Haman” but the word hara, spelled differently, means “pregnant.”
3. The Megillah says Sus Asher Rachav Alav ha-Melekh (Esther 6:8). Literally, this means “a horse that the king rode upon,” the word in Hebrew for horse being sus, like Seuss.
4. When Mordechai is distressed about the fate of the Jews, the Megillah says, Vayikra Mordechai et Begadav (Esther 4:1). “Mordechai ripped his clothes.” The word Vayikra here means “ripped,” but spelled differently means “read.”
5. The queen’s name is Vashti. Vash tea. Wash tea.
6. The Megillah says: Vashti HaMalkah astah mishteh nashim (Esther 1:9). Literally, “Queen Vashti made a banquet for the women.” The riddle plays on the words mishteh nashim, reading it as “Out of two women” instead of “a banquet for the women.”
7. The Megillah begins by saying, Vayehi Biyemei Achashverosh Hu Achashverosh. Literally, this means, “It happened in the days of Achashverosh, that is the Achashverosh,” but the riddle reads the word hu as “Who?” It was in the days of Achashverosh. Who? Achashverosh!
8. Layehudim hayeta Orah Vesimchah V. Sasson (8:16). Literally, “The Jews had light and joy and happiness,” but here read as “The Jews had light and joy and V. Sasson clothing.”
9. His name was Hatach – Hat –uch!
10. Third year of king’s rule; seven and 180 days of banquet; 10 sons of Haman; 12th month, Adar; 13th day of that month; 127 provinces ruled over by the king.
11. On both, “dates” are picked!

I also prepared some picture puzzles, but am having trouble transferring them to the blog. I thought I would keep these answers here in case I do succeed in getting the picture puzzles up.

Answers to Picture Puzzles
1. Matanot la’evyonim (presents for the poor)
2. Shushan Ha-Birah (Shushan, the capital)
3. Achashverosh
4. Esther
5. Mishloach Manot (baskets of food delivered to friends)
6. Mordechai ben Yair ben Shimi ben Kish Ish Yemini (Mordechai’s full name)
7. Kinim , “lice,” from the Passover story
8. Etz, “tree,” the word used in the Megillah to refer to the gallows
9. Ka’asher Avadeti Avadeti, “If I am to perish, I am to perish” (What Esther says when she agrees to take the risk of approaching the king). Esther 4:16.
10. Mi hu zeh ve’ai zeh hu, “Who is he and where is he?” (What the king says when he hears from Esther that someone has plotted to kill Esther and her people). Esther 7:5.

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